
I’m glad you’ve found the site and hope you find at least some things in it worthwhile. Please do comment. There’s a post on each song from New Morning, and I’ve begun to add posts on other albums.

I should say that the overall aim of the site is to present literary interpretations of Dylan’s lyrics. Close, literary analysis is something which doesn’t appear much on the internet or in books on Dylan, yet I can’t imagine I’m alone in regretting this. I can think of just a handful of sites and books I’ve found at all useful. This, then, is an attempt to at least begin to plug what I see as a gaping hole. The focus is on meaning rather than style but I’m not claiming special insight into ‘the meaning’ of the songs. I’m sure there will be other, often better, interpretations. And of course meaning will often be personal for each listener, or perhaps arise from a transcendent beauty, or subtlety, created by the writing, making hopeless any attempt to pin it down.

Nevertheless I think it’s important to get away from those interpretations which assume each song is only about some trivial aspect of Dylan’s life – drugs or meeting Elvis, say. The topics are of much greater import. I’ve tried to show that in many songs the speaker is not Dylan himself, and indeed may be somebody he wouldn’t want to be. These narrators are not to be taken at face value. Like the speakers in most so-called dramatic monologues, they are duplicitous but in a way that the careful listener can see straight through.

An example from outside Dylan’s work which may serve as a model is the narrator in Browning’s dramatic monologue ‘Up At A Villa, Down In The City’. Here the narrator, in attempting to show his appreciation for the beauties of nature, unintentionally informs us that his primary concern is with monetary value:

‘The wild tulip, at the end of its tube, blows out its great red bell
Like a thin clear bubble of blood, for the children to pick and sell’

What a shame he included the final clause! In a similar way Dylan often gets his narrators to give things away about themselves. In ‘The Wicked Messenger’, for example, the narrator is clearly untrustworthy when he characterises the messenger as wicked. The narrator comes across as someone with a contemptuous attitude towards the messenger, and fearful of him. How do we know? Because Dylan tells us the messenger came from Eli (God). It’s very unlikely that God’s representative would make a meal out of insignificant things (‘the smallest matter’), or ‘flatter’ his hosts. Far more likely the narrator is trying to turn us against the messenger so that he can continue in his own disreputable ways.

I started with the songs from New Morning, an album of quite amazing lyrical complexity. Ever since I bought it forty-five years ago, I’ve suffered under the illusion that it’s thin both musically and lyrically. Going back to it, I’ve realised how wrong I’ve been. Some of the lyrics seem now to be masterpieces of precision, the thematic richness being disguised by a sometimes extreme simplicity of language. I hope I’ve managed to get across something of Dylan’s skill here.

It’s worth pointing out that the New Morning album – like a number of Dylan’s albums – works as a unified whole (thus exemplifying one of its themes). The same themes are treated in different songs, and very often the exact same words will be used again and again from song to song. Nevertheless the treatment, and the contexts, are so different that it’s quite possible to overlook the thematic connections. I think these connections would be worth a study in their own right. Unfortunately, constraints of time have necessitated my ignoring such inter-connectedness here and instead treating each song as an individual work.

I should say in passing that I hope I don’t come across as some sort of apologist for Christianity, let alone as a religious nutter!  I’m certainly not trying to impose religious interpretations on the songs, and it was surprising to me when some seemed open to such interpretation – especially where an album precedes Dylan’s ‘born again’ period. If anything I’ve said seems way off, please do say!

David Weir

10 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Geography is important ans the musical style of the area
    New morning is in Black hills of Dekota
    Tambourine man in New Orleans
    dylans has said the tambourine and the sing have a religious exoerience
    he records oh mercy in New Orlwans


  2. Thanks for your comment Nick. I’m sure you’re right that the various musical styles Dylan uses are bound up with the geography of the US. Unfortunately it’s something I don’t know much about. I get most of my information about the music from Tony Attwood’s Untold Dylan site http://bob-dylan.org.uk/


  3. I’ve just read your interpretation of Early Roman Kings, and want to thank you for sharing your ideas. Somewhere between what Dylan meant and what we understand by it, is the true meaning, he once said. Your perspective helps bring the song to life for me, and if only because it provokes me to contest it in places. The man has forked lightning in our minds in the past, and we cannot but continue to take him seriously. Thanks !


    • Thanks Anthony. I agree that we can only inch our way towards the true meaning. With any slight difference in interpretation of a single phrase or word having knock on effects throughout the song, it’s unlikely that any attempt at interpretation will exhaust all possibilities.


  4. Searched for the meaning of New Pony and the results brought me here. Absolutely love your blog and I can see myself revisiting many times over 🙂


  5. Having performed “All Along the Watchtower” off and on over 40 years – modifying “two riders”
    4 riders (“on the storm”) are approaching as the winds (of the Apocalypse) begin to howl
    (in the black hills of South Dakota) and often transition into “Season of the Witch” as an ending

    I was curious as to what Dylan had in mind about his 2 characters
    hence stumbled upon your site – (particularly enjoyed your Nobel reflections)
    and I must confess I was surprised (disappointed?) at your analysis

    [Death is the Joker – Time is the Thief
    Few care for Knowledge – Most hide in Belief
    Truth lies in ashes – Faith drowns in Grief
    The key to Eternity provides no relief
    – as its Judgment is the final deceit]

    written (August 7th,2020) against the backdrop of COVID 19 (Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
    please excuse my simplistic rhymes – not my usual style – but dumbing-down is much in vogue 🙂


  6. Thanks for your great website. I was just watching video of bob singing “I’ve Made Up My Mind to Give Myself to You” on the recent tour and it occurred to me that the addressee in the song may be the gathered crowd. Its of course about love, perhaps a woman, or a God, but with all the references to travel in the song, and lines like “Well, my heart’s like a river, a river that sings” i am now reading the song as referring to him giving himself to touring and performing, to the never ending tour,….i have long thought that Dylan tours so much because it gives him his purpose on this earth, it gives him his meaning. Perhaps this song is about that? At some point he made up his mind that he is giving himself to touring, to performing, to the crowd. His life shows this too, he has given us his life in many ways.
    Just a thought. Thanks again for your website.


    • Thanks for commenting, Joe. I agree he keeps on touring because it gives his life purpose. I can’t remember where, but somewhere he says he’s doing it because he made a promise to the ‘commander-in- chief’ – which, I imagine, is meant to be obscure.


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